My Fall Favorites 🍂
Fall is finally upon us! In this post I highlight my families favorite fall activities!

My Fall Favorites! 🍂
I love fall, I love everything about it. The changing of the leaves, the cooler weather (especially here in the south!), and just the overall just feel of fall. In this post I’ll talk about my families favorite fall activities!
Nature walks to look at leaves! 🍂
The changing of the leaves makes my soul happy. My family and I like to go on walks on nature trails around our city and point out the beautiful colors, our favorites are the deep reds. My girls like to jump from leaf to leaf and hear the crunch of the leaves under their feet, it’s one of our favorite fall activities.
Pumpkin Patches! 🎃
Pumpkin patches. A fall classic, I couldn’t make a list of my fall favorites without mentioning a pumpkin patch. Kids love pumpkin patches, well at least mine do. What’s not to love? You can go for a hay ride, pick pumpkins, get yummy fall snacks, and make wonderful lasting family memories!
Watching football! 🏈
In our house we LOVE football, both college and professional. Our favorite team though are the Arkansas Razorbacks! Watching them in person will always be a top favorite. A cool thing that they do the Friday before a home game is light up the stadium in red lights (Arkansas Razorbacks colors). People like to gather and take pictures in front of the stadium and it’s our kid’s favorite thing to do. They enjoy playing by the fountain, peering in through the gates, and watching the action around them. A fun activity that gets them excited to watch and root on their favorite team on Saturday!
Pumpkin carving! 🎃
Pumpkin carving in our house is an event. After finding the perfect pumpkins at the pumpkin patch, we get to carving. Classic jack o lantern faces, silly faces, and even some cool shapes. Our favorite time of day to carve pumpkins is while the sun is going down, the golden colors just set the mood perfectly. My youngest daughter likes to help pick out the faces we do and pick the ooey gooey seeds out. My oldest likes to help carve the actual pumpkin. This fun activity is sure to bring smiles to everyone’s faces!
Decorating for fall! 🍁
My girls love to decorate for fall. Their favorite things to decorate with is the “Hello Fall” banner and their pumpkins that they carved. Decorating for fall may not be every kid’s favorite but I’ve learned that involving my kids in this activity makes them excited for the upcoming seasons and makes for great memories. Another way they like to decorate is through fall themed crafts. One craft we want to try this year is fall q-tip paining. We’ll printout a picture of a bare tree and use fall colored paint (think reds, oranges, and browns), and q-tips to make the leaves. A fun easy way to get them involved!
Well, that was my list of my families to 5 fall time activities! I can’t wait to go out and start making more memories this fall with my family!